Monday, March 21, 2016

Liege-Guillemins Train Station

Every weekday this month, I have taken the train from Liege to Brussels for a French class in Brussels.  It is beautiful to ride through the country or through the smalls towns of Namur or Leuven, depending on the route the train is taking.  

This past week, while I was waiting for a transfer I explored the Liege-Guillemins Train Station.  It is an amazing architectural masterpiece by Santiago Calatrava, you can read more about the train station here and take a look at my pictures below.

A view from the train station into the city of Liege,
 in the middle of March 2016.
The same view from the station, looking out into the city.  Two trains are on the tracks
below the roof structure.  Circular elevators make the station accessible.
A view of the platforms below, the structured ceiling above
and the escalators leading to the platforms for transferring trains.
A view from the raised transfer platforms to the
train tracks below and just outside of the station.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

While Passing by the Royal Palace of Brussels

I started French class this week in Brussels, Belgium and everyday I I walk from the train station to my class. Something interesting got my attention today after class and it was well worth missing my train...

The street was blocked by police and then horses with riders "dressed to the tens" paraded through the streets, two cars passed through the horses and returned. I quickly learned that they were headed toward the Royal Palace of Brussels. I could only speculate that there were members of the Belgian Royal Family in that car. What a beautiful site it was!
Horses and horsemen riding in the streets of
 Brussels, near the Royal Palace of Brussels.
Horses and horsemen blocking the streets of Brussels with police officers close by.
Horses and horsemen blocking the streets with police
officers allowing two black cars to pass.
A view of the Royal Palace of Brussels
 as seen through the trees of a nearby park.
Horses and horsemen parading in front of the Royal Palace of Brussels.
Horses and horsemen in front of the Royal Palace of Brussels with open golden gates which allowed the cars to pass.

The front facade of the Royal Palace of Brussels
with the cars at the central entryway.